Hey, I saw you today.
You were wondering if anyone noticed that you weren’t quite all together.
The day had been a train wreck and you were doing the best you could, but still…..
It was hard.
I did notice….
I saw you braving a smile when you really wanted to cry.
I saw you close to a break down when someone said things that weren’t kind, but you held it together and kept going.
I saw you question yourself when you stopped to think about what to do next, and then I witnessed you make a decision and own it like the warrior you are.
I saw you stand your ground when someone was wrong, pulling the courage from your soul and taking deep breaths along the way.
I saw you long for a quiet moment to rest your weary bones while tap dancing around chaos.
I saw you misunderstand a compliment, and then watched your face as you processed the kindness of a stranger.
I saw you live today. I saw you hope for tomorrow. I saw your fierce determination to live your best life every single day.
I saw you being real.
I saw you being strong.
I saw you being fabulous.
It is hard.
But you are still doing it.
We are all doing it.
Glitter & Grace,